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Parents & Carers

We recognise that parents and carers play a pivotal role in helping their child transition from school to college

Supporting your young person

We know how important the involvement and support of parents and carers is to our students. We believe that a close partnership with our students’ parents and carers can have a very positive effect on the students’ overall performance at college. Here you’ll find lots of information that might be helpful to you, either as a parent or carer with a young person already studying at the College, or with a young person considering applying here.

At Brighton MET College we believe it’s our job to celebrate ambition, unlock potential and transform lives – with the help and support of our students’ parents and carers. Whatever needs a student has, there is always someone here at the College to support them.

Communicating with you

Communication is key. The majority of our communication with parents and carers is via email. It is the responsibility of our students to provide us with up-to-date and accurate contact information, so if you are not currently receiving emails from the College, please ask your young person to provide us with an email address for you.

The links below provide invaluable information to help you support your young person.

Parents’ and Carers’ Guide to Qualifications

Your child may already know what they want to do after school and where they want to go. They may be unsure and undecided—and perhaps feel a bit overwhelmed by the choice of colleges, sixth forms, qualifications and apprenticeships on offer.

Additional Learning Support

If you have a learning difficulty or disability, our Additional Learning Support team is on hand to support you through your time at the College. Working with you, we will make reasonable adjustments to our services to ensure college is an enjoyable and rewarding experience.

Have you MET your future?

Our mission is to encourage young people to envisage their future working selves, to help them turn their passions into professions through technical and professional education and help fill the UK skills gap!

Six students sat round a table looking at ring binder with pages
Careers Advice

Students are encouraged to visit the Progression + Centre at the Crawley campus, where specially-trained staff are on hand to provide careers advice, CV writing and interview tips, as well as guidance on routes into Apprenticeships. Students can also email
